Friday, October 14, 2011

All about me!

Hey guys!!

So, you may already know a little about me if you watch me on YouTube or if you read either of my other blogs, one of which goes with my YouTube channel a little more then the other.

So my name is Meagan. I love performing! I love make-up as well and that's mainly what my channel is about.

I am 15 years old. I have blond hair and I love it! For the most part.

This blog is going to be about surviving high school, if you couldn't tell from the title (:

You can e-mail me, or comment me questions. You can go and inbox me on YouTube or comment on my channel or on a video of mine, it's your choice how you get a hold of me, but i would love to hear from you! Even if it's not a question about surviving high school, even if you just want to talk, get a hold of me, I will answer every single e-mail and inbox and message that i get.

So this blog is just going to be for when a friend of mine asks a question, or does something stupid (or I do something stupid) then I can tell you the story and tell you what I learned from it. Once a month I will have a questions post. That is when I get questions, I will have a post with all of the questions and my answers.

So, e-mail me your questions or tell me a story of you or your friend that made a bad choice, or a good choice.
