Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hey there!

Hey guys!

So, i had to get a new account which means this one is shutting down! But i am up and running on the other one, which i will have a video up on youtube hopefully tomorrow night (i get to play with imovie and the mac!!!) and it will have all of the links to my new blogs and all that jazz! if you have any favourite blog posts of mine just e-mail me to my new e-mail: and i will make sure to get that one up. i will try to get all of them up, but that can't be promised. so hurry!


Friday, December 16, 2011

Losing Friends

Hey guys!

Sorry i haven't posted in forever! But, i have been so busy! And nothing important enough has happened that i needed to write about it, however i have learned a really important lesson lately and i felt the need to share it with you.

So i have 2 different senarios for you. I will tell you the senario and then how to deal with it :)

Senario 1:

Your friend is moving somewhere really far away. So far that it is very unlikely you will ever see them again.

How to deal:
Step one, be sad and cry over it if you are close enough to them, if not you may skip this step completely. You need time to be sad and to cry over the fact that your friend is leaving and you may never see them again. After that, know that you will live! Know that you will be okay and not die just becasue your friend moved. Now is the time to get back out there and meet new people, find a new friend and move on. You always have things like facebook or twitter or youtube or e-mail that you can use to stay in touch with your friend. Worst case senario, you can always write them a letter. Become pen pals. Maybe in the future you guys can get together again. Try convincing your parents to let you go visit your friend for a week or so, or they can come visit you.

Senario 2,
Your friend turns into a really mean person. They become friends with the wrong crowd or they just start expecting things from you that you can't do. They start treating you like you're nothing, they only talk to you when it suits them. Whatever the case may be, you either are getting ditched or you need to ditch. But, you have been friends with this person forever! You can't imagine life without them in your life or you see them every day of your life and you know it will hurt not being able to talk to them.

How to deal,
For starters, this person is toxic to you and you need to let go. Find your self a couple of new friends and MOVE ON. Avoid this person at all costs because they are only going to hurt you in the long run. After a while, once you think you can live with out this person, and you aren't always getting upset at the sight of them you are ready fort he next step. You can talk to them now. Be polite but not overly nice. You don't always have to start the conversation in fact i encourage you not to. This person, they hurt you and they ruined you. Now is your time to shine. If they ever cared about you, then they will come up to you and say "hey" they will start the conversation with you. They will apologize. You should never have to apologize to this person because it isn't your fault, no matter how much they seem to think it is. DO NOT i repete, DO NOT get mad at them. When i say that i mean don't go and yell at them or talk behind their back. Don't give them anything that they can use against you and tell people to make people turn against you. You need to be the bigger person.

I hope this helped you through a rough time of losing a friend!

Any questions? E-mail me!

PS. I might be getting twitter soon. I just need to convince my parents, which i hope won't take long :) I'll Let you guys know once i do!

Visit my YouTube!


Friday, November 11, 2011


Hey guys!!!

So, we all know how much we hate when a friend of yours lies to you and you find out, it kind of sucks hey? Well, here is my story:

I have this friend, lets call her liar.

We both started at this new school. We were kind of friends through out all of junior high. We wern't super tight, as in share all of our secrets and trust each other with everything. We just talked aboiut random stuff and we had a good time. When we started at this new school we became a lot closer. She would call me, text me and i started to trust her. Of course we had our own friends. It was a new school and we had new friends.

She had a record of lying in junior high but she told me that she came to this school to start over. I believed her because she actually seemed to change. She was a lot nicer, she didn't seem to be lying as much. She introduced me to her new friends and i soon became part of their group. There was me, "liar" and a few other people. There was 7 girls and one guy. No, the one guy was not gay, he just didn't believe what other guys said or did to girls.

Ok, so i know you are probably wondering how this all ties into liars, but just hold tight, it's coming up. I'll speed up.

So, a few days after a foot ball game "liar" had a doctors apointment after lunch so she left early. The rest of us girls, well me and 3 of them were working together. One of them brought up a lie that "liar" had told us. "liar" had said that she worked at a store (i won't mention the store so don't ask) in a mall, but that store wasn't even in that mall. It does not exist in the mall that liar said she worked in. This was the first of many lies.

I won't go into every single lie she said because that would be pointless. But pretty much she lied about every aspect of her life. Then she talked behind my back to my new friends before they even knew me. She made me sound like a very rude person and kind of a slut. I started to realize that maybe she wasn't the kind of friend that i wanted in my life.

We all confronted her about her lies. She missed a ton of school. I don't really talk to her any more. That's what happens when you lie about everything.

Lesson that i learned? Lying about every little thing is wrong. I have decided to be honest whenever i can. I will always give my honest opinion. Oblivously if someone tells me a secret, and it won't hurt them or anyone else and if someone asks me about it, i will lie and tell them i don't know anything about it.

My advice: Don't lie when you can avoid it. Be nice, but be honest. no one likes a liar.

Anyways, that's all for now, i'll talk to you later!!

Meagan Rundle

Friday, October 14, 2011

All about me!

Hey guys!!

So, you may already know a little about me if you watch me on YouTube or if you read either of my other blogs, one of which goes with my YouTube channel a little more then the other.

So my name is Meagan. I love performing! I love make-up as well and that's mainly what my channel is about.

I am 15 years old. I have blond hair and I love it! For the most part.

This blog is going to be about surviving high school, if you couldn't tell from the title (:

You can e-mail me, or comment me questions. You can go and inbox me on YouTube or comment on my channel or on a video of mine, it's your choice how you get a hold of me, but i would love to hear from you! Even if it's not a question about surviving high school, even if you just want to talk, get a hold of me, I will answer every single e-mail and inbox and message that i get.

So this blog is just going to be for when a friend of mine asks a question, or does something stupid (or I do something stupid) then I can tell you the story and tell you what I learned from it. Once a month I will have a questions post. That is when I get questions, I will have a post with all of the questions and my answers.

So, e-mail me your questions or tell me a story of you or your friend that made a bad choice, or a good choice.
